A: Voting Q: What takes an Act of God?

There are myriads of slogans out there all designed at getting people out of their homes and into a polling place. But has anyone noticed how hard it actually is to vote? I’m new to the area and I’m still fairly young, but this is not my first time voting. I know I can still register to vote the day of. I had my card that tells me what polling place I go to. It has my name on it. It has my address on it. I had my ID. I had a piece of mail that has my name and address on it- it’s from the bank. But that still wasn’t enough. “Who are you?” “Where do you live?” “Are you sure you are at the right polling place?””You’re ID says you live in another town. Where are you from?” “We don’t take mail. You need a utility bill or your lease.”

Damn. Why bother with voting if you have to face the inquisition? Needless, I went to my car to fish out a bill they would accept. I returned to find the same polling judges grilling another group of younger people with the same treatment I had received.

They too were perturbed. As I gave my inquisitors the internet bill (which apparently is still more valuable than the bank statement) I faced more questions. “Is this your first time voting?” “Did you register at another precinct?” “Are you sure this is the first time you voted today?”…

Geez! If I took the time to go through all that trouble to vote twice – I damn well deserve two votes! However, like most people… I only vote once and only in my district! Give me the paper! With all the questions, followed by the swearing in and then the instructions, I alone ended up closing the polls. Mine was the last ballot to be cast. The last they accepted. It is no wonder turn out is low when voting is this hard. Who really wants to go through all the trouble trying to prove they are who they are and that they have a right to cast a ballot?

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